Electric Fireplaces

Add Ambiance® to your home by adding a stylish and modern touch using the easy-to-install Ambiance® Electric Fireplace and Ambiance® Electric Fireplace Inserts. An Ambiance® Electric Fireplace will give you the elegant feel of a fireplace without the struggles or associated cost of traditional gas or wood. Without compromising on the feeling of having a fireplace to gather around. Enjoy the Ambiance® of a fire year-round with an electric fireplace.

10 Products

Our high standards

Why an Ambiance® Fireplace?

Quality fireplaces at fair prices

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The Best Warranty Coverage

White Glove Installation Services

HPBA - Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association
NFI - National Fireplace Institute
HPB - Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Education Foundation
EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Woodstove Changeout